Hey there,
Do you know how many blog posts I’ve started, stopped, saved and let gather dust?! I had a baby, our world went through a mass Pandemic, seriously so little to talk about and so much time…strike that and reverse it ha (Willy Wonka anyone?!)
The posts are coming, it’s all about setting aside the time to organize my thoughts. Not so easy these days…but I have super exciting news, I made my first PRINTABLES. Printables are exactly as they sound, something you print but in this case it’s something I made to further our homeschooling experience and hopefully yours too (even if you don’t homeschool)! Check out an example of how they look….
Homeschooling is going amazing and I realized how little Japanese resources there are for kids this side of the pond. So I’ve decided to make some printables for my daughters. This set has all the Hirgana Letters and a Chart to help further your studies! I have many ideas and plans not just for Japanese but homeschooling in general but for now check out my Dot Marker Hiragana Set. It’s FREE (yay!) and let me know if your kiddos love it, feel free to make any suggestions or ask questions too. And if you use this set please tag me on IG @blessed.with.motherhood. I can’t wait to see them in use!
I hope you’re having a lovely week and didn’t October fly by!?